It started with a bet. Greg Softley challenged Geoff Scott to build a bike using the same build components used in 1951, - the year of Geoff's birth -- and have this bike ready for the 2017 Canberra Master Pushies Galore weekend. The deal was that Geoff builds and paints the frame, Greg designs and produces the period graphics and Ken Dickie (legendary bike pin striper...lug liner and hand paint signage genious) applies the hand lining and feathering decoration. Greg would then build the frame up with period components.
The bet.
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This 1951 'new' frame used Reynolds tubing, fork blades, hand made lugs and enjoyed a reasonably relaxed geometry. Most of the group was NOS including the Vittoria Margherita rear shiting system, 50s Dolomiti Italian saddle, BSA cranks and pedals, Universal 51 brakes, Cinelli steel stem and bars, Magistroni headset, seat clamp and BB components, Coloral twin bidons, custom Gefsco headbadge....fully loaded.
The project then took on a life of it's own. Why not build two? Geoff thought. A 2nd frame was constructed similar in build style and geometry to a 2017 modern steel bike.painted, decaled and hand pin striped by Ken as a clone of the neo 1951 frame. This frame was grouped with the last true Dura Ace group 7700, modern wheels and saddle.
The two bikes, side by side went down a treat at the Canberra weekend and demonstrated that Gefsco was more than capable diversifying his builds.
The Bet #2
Not content to rest on his laurels, the 2018 Sydney Bike Show was coming up so Gefsco accepted another challenge. This time with retro looking frames built and painted by Gefsco, same Cyclomondo graphics and Ken Dickie decoration. Ken was given a free hand to do what he thought was best with the only limitations being the colour palette. Modern geometry and group to be Campagnolo 10 or 11 speed.
Geoff Scott was responsible for the ivory white build and Greg Softley for the red. The winner was judged by a People's Choice score at the Tempe show on the day..
Gefsco's ivory white Master won. A stunning bike, just simply glows and oozes class. Well deserved. Greg's red Gefsco Master is jaw dropping beautiful - but the people had their say.

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Special randonneur special build. Clamont badging, 650 wheels, canti brakes, touring rack, wide rubber with Ken Dickee ornate lug,and box lining and feathering. 2017 build date.